sustainable kingswear
What Can Kingswear Do? - Enabling and encouraging by KPC
Infrastructure - what can be done now:
- Addressing light pollution - saving money and interference with wildlife
- Encouraging KPC to lobby SHDC/DCC to change to led lights from sodium
- Lobbying SHDC/DCC to use EV public transport and other vehicles
- Encouraging householders to use energy suppliers who use 100% renewables
Infrastructure - longer term:
- Installing EV charging points for community and visitor use (cars/bikes/boats)
- Community energy scheme, to supply the community and feed into national grid
- Community EV pool for cars, bikes and possibly link up with Dartmouth schemes
Community schemes - what can be done now:
- Encouraging eco friendly cleaning materials
- Encouraging a ‘litter neighbourhood watch’ - eg asking builders to take it home!
- Asking vehicles to turn off their engines in the ferry queue - community involvement but supported by KPC
- Encouraging households and larger landowners to:
- De-cultivate an area of own land, no matter how small - allow growth of wildflowers, nettles, long grasses for insects, small mammals, birds
- build a small pond, harness a spring?
- not use pesticides - helping soil health, pollinators, wildlife
- plant trees, allow hedges or portion of hedges to grow
- creating wildlife corridors eg holes in fences for hedgehogs, and pond ramps
- Discouraging single use plastic
Community schemes - longer term:
- Community Library of Things - garden equipment, bikes, skills exchange
- Community composting - needs sufficient space, access for vehicles and volunteers to run, possibly link with Dartmouth’s emerging site?
- Supporting walking routes and the Slow Ways Initiatives
- Promoting sustainable initiatives: eg
- installation of public use Electric Vehicle charging points,
- talks on purchase and use of electric vehicles (Alan Depledge)
Celebrating via social media/press/signage
- KW Primary School - healthy foods/low meat and dairy? Environment projects?
- New recycling scheme
- Community orchard
- Installation of solar panels
- Households changing from fossil fuelled heating to air or ground source heat pumps
- Changing to electric vehicles
- Development of a wildlife haven
Useful local links
Devon Carbon Emergency:
Sustainable South Hams:
Sustainable Dittisham:
Sustainable Blackawton:
Sustainable Dartmouth: (Temporary home for Sustainable Dartmouth)
Shared Shed - Borrow useful things at minimal cost: Share Shed – A Library of Things